Electroterapia en fisioterapia
Icono de contenido 29/01/2025 00:03:37

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Response on I/T - A/T curves



I would like you to clarify for me the way to name the I/T curves - A/T, because I find confusion when it comes to naming them and describe them.

Some speak of amplitude / time, intensity / time, amplitude / duration, triangular and quadrangular, accommodation & nbsp; / weather, etc.

Where I find more doubts is in the A/T curves and in the TUT curves.

Can you take a moment to explain it?



Let's go by parts:

There are two curves: one with upward quadrangular pulses abrupt and abrupt descent (those of I/T) and another with triangular pulses of progressive linear rise and sudden descent (that of A/T). Those of TUT do not exist as such, since it consists of analyzing the behavior between two triangular (from A/T), but one of the healthy and one of the neighboring pathological.

The normal thing is that in this circumstance, both curves intersect and form a triangle or response area of the pathological, without affect the healthy. This triangle is the TUT or triangle of therapeutic utility.

Let's go with the denomination:

The pulses have a shape, a width and a height (both the squares like triangular ones). On the form, nothing to add, to the see them differ perfectly from each other. About height and width, we could say that they are two amplitudes, but for the width, as it coincides with the pulse time, it will be called "time or duration" (for both home runs and triangular).

Regarding the height (here the problems begin) represents the ordered in a graph, and in this case it is represented by the intensity reached by the pulse in mA applied by the stimulator (but in each pulse and in its highest part).

This is why home runs are called intensity / time (I / T) and you can also do the same with triangular ones, but these are usually called accommodation / time. By what?

Before the sudden entry of energy into the body with pulses home runs, the neuromuscular system does not have time to "defend oneself", that is, to try to accommodate oneself, and since it has no time to react is forced to respond to total control of the quadrangular impulse without influencing conditions physiological.

But, with triangular pulses of slow and progressive rise (never use not to mention exponentials), the neuro-muscle ensemble attempts the accommodation mechanism. This will appear to a greater or lesser degree depending on its capacity and according to the duration of the pulses: the longer, the more the accommodation response will be displayed; the shorter, the answer more will resemble the home run. The healthier: the greater accommodation response and the more affected: lower response of accommodation. In cases of peripheral denervation, the accommodation mechanism.

Thus, due to the fact that before the triangular pulses the phenomenon of accommodation, the curves with progressive rise pulses, A / T, are often referred to as accommodation / time curves, but they are also You can call them intensity / time for triangular.

Never refer to them as intensity / time (I/T) for quadrangles and as amplitude / time (A/T) for triangles, because this concept of breadth indicates nothing and leads to confusion. What does this amplitude that is being talked about represent? Is it another parameter different from home runs?

Amplitude normally refers to the voltage parameter, but since the stimulators in this scan have to work on CC or IC mode (constant current or constant intensity) the amplitude vertical will be expressed in current or mA.

There is usually another controversy in the sense that the representations of the waves are given by the voltage read by the oscilloscopes, but in this case, the measurement with the oscilloscope has to be done form that represents intensity.

In short, curves can be called in various ways, but be careful with some that leads to errors and indicates that whoever employs are not clear on the basics. If you like the way intensity / time for each curve, ok, but you have to add the last name in both, from I/T for home runs and from I/T for triangular. Personally I use the I/T (no last name) to quadrangular and A/T (no last name) for triangular but the "A" is refers to the phenomenon of accommodation.

From certain values of the I/T and A/T, the accommodation index or quotient. I recommend that you see in the book Eelectrotherapy in Physiotherapy (3ª edition) chapter 10, where develops this whole topic of curvy exploration.

The Therapeutic Utility Triangle (TUT) is made up of two triangular (healthy and pathological). Not for home run and triangular or other rare stories. The TUT sets the parameters for you to make correct treatments in peripheral paralysis, in order to achieve the selective response of the paralyzed and avoid the response of the healthy.

Look, if this topic is important, but I know that the confusion.

Regarding the use or expression of pulses exponential, was used in the early days of these technologies that did not they easily got the linear rise pulses and "you had to get by with what you had ", but that is already over, and if now exponential pulses were used instead of triangular pulses, the results would be different and wrong.

I hope I have clarified your doubts.

Posted on 17/01/2021

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